


Supporting Our Survivors

The loss of a spouse, under any circumstances, is a tragic and life altering experience. In addition to their loss, military surviving spouses face additional challenges. Amidst the grief that comes with a suffering a traumatic loss, surviving spouses find themselves needing to make important and immediate decisions for themselves and their families in a rapidly changing environment. For survivors of Special Operations personnel, the grieving process can be further complicated as the complete details of their loved one’s death are sometimes unavailable due to the classified nature of the mission.The military surviving spouse community, while unfortunately growing, continues to remain relatively small. New survivors may or may not know anyone else who has gone through a similar situation and who can relate to them.


Special Ops Survivors understands the healing power of not having to weather a tragedy alone.


While we cannot bring back our survivors’ loved ones, we can help ease the transition to a new life – a life that honors the legacy of their loved ones. We do this by providing access to a community of other survivors who have gone through, survived and overcome similar obstacles.


The services we provide are intended to provide practical support to survivors in various stages of the grieving and healing process as they make their way forward in their new lives.


Special Ops Survivors will continue our mission to support Special Operations families as long as the need exists.

Supporting Our Warriors

The strength of the family directly affects the ability of our Special Operations warriors to successfully carry out their critical missions. Our operators who are currently serving can take comfort in knowing that their spouses and families will be cared for should the worst occur. Secure in this knowledge, our operators can better focus on the mission at hand.


Our commitment at Special Ops Survivors is to the members of Special Operations units and to their families – without preference to race, sex, ethnicity, religion, unit or rank.

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